certified organic| why it matters


organic beef production

Not only do we have strict organic standards, we challenge ourselves to go above and beyond, surpassing what is required and creating new paths, innovation is at the forefront of our journey.

Here we take a systems approach to land and environmental management. We understand that Livestock and Crop farming go hand in hand, each benefiting one another in a symbiotic relationship. The crops leave behind residual that the cattle can then turn into nutrients, which feeds the microbial life in the soil, of which subsequent crops benefit. 

Adding feed crops into cash cropping rotations has shown huge benefits. There are many challenges with the Organic system and the tools available for certain management practices are limited, therefore the perfect system takes thought, planning and constant innovation.


a truly integrated approach

Like the bison years ago well managed cattle are a vital part of this ecosystem. They supply the biodiversity, fertility and stability that our lands need to thrive, What we do today has implications for the future, it’s important we understand this, embrace it and look ahead.

While our Organic cattle graze grass and forages for much of their lives, they are finished on Organic grains that do not qualify for the human supply model. The intent is to add value and up-cycle these grains returning the benefits to the land through increased fertility.

We see the opportunity in taking these products and turning them into a useful resource that benefits our soils while at the same time crafting a nutrient dense product that is good for ourselves and the health and wellness of our animals.


organic beef burgers

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • Incredible on the grill or to make smash burgers with. Season with salt and pepper and add whatever toppings you like and serve up one of the tastiest burgers you can eat.

organic Hot Dogs

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • Grill them and thrill them, with the healthiest hot dog on the shelf. All organic ingredients and you can taste the difference.

organic ground beef

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • Very versatile. Great for making pasta sauce, chillies and your own hand formed burger patties.

organic striploin

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • Best on the grill or in a cast iron pan. Bast with butter to bring out the richness of this incredible crowd pleasing cut.

organic tenderloin

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • This low fat cut, requires very little fuss and is extremely tender. Just add salt and pepper and throw it on the bbq or in a cast iron pan at high heat. We like to eat it medium rare with a nice sear on the outside.

organic ribeye

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • The highest fat marbling of our cuts, brings out the maximum umami flavour. Our preferred method is to sear on a cast iron pan, so that the steak can cook in its own delicious fat. Just add salt and pepper and enjoy!

organic Stewing beef

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • This is a tougher cut, that becomes beautifully tender when braised. Choose any liquid you like and through it in a pot with some veggies, garlic and onion and cook low and slow. The rich umami flavour will come bursting out when ready.

organic Bavette

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • This is a beautiful and often under-looked cut. You can marinate this steak with flavours of your choosing, or simply grill it to medium rare. It is best served by slicing it against the grain to keep it tender.

organic top sirloin

  • Produced by Bryce Lobreau in Manitoba

  • The top sirloin is a naturally lean, with a bold, beefy flavor. This popular steak is delicious on its own and cooks well with marinades and sauces.