We are passionate about farming for the future and want to help spread the word about how this is possible. By reconnecting with the land and fostering healthy ecosystems with biodiversity, we can make a difference today!


To be regenerative is to leave things in a better place than when we found them. Sustainability isn't good enough, but it's a step along the way. Why would we want too sustain a resource when we know we can do so much more.

For us the regenerative approach is a whole farm approach, from the crops we grow to the cattle we graze, they each have a purpose and a fit. It's this diversity that truly allows us to manage things regeneratively from the seasons to the soils, it's an evolving puzzle and we are always working towards finding the next piece to take the next leap forward.

The strategic integration of livestock onto these lands has allowed for a truly regenerative natured system to unfold, a resilient system that not only gives back to the land but builds it for future generations. Roaming animals have been declining from our landscape for many years, the more animals we can get on the land in a strategic fashion the bigger the foot print we can leave behind.


Our soils give us the ability to live and thrive. The fact that we can sustain life on earth is because of the 6 inches of topsoil that's below our feet. How we manage our land, our crops and our livestock directly impacts the health of our soils. Whether we are running organic cattle or 100% grass fed and finished cattle the goals are the same. To enhance and build the soil beneath.

Our land bases are used for both cash cropping and livestock production. We have found the key factor to being successful is with a true integration of the two. We strategically integrate both harvested crops and forage crops in our rotations. The ratio of cattle to crop acres are balanced in a way that adds the most benefit to the land, so we can build soil and store carbon all while producing healthy nutrient dense crops and animals.


We are very proud of the fact that we are able to sequester carbon through our efforts to create biodiversity and ultimately become stewards of the land and rewrite the narrative on beef production. We soil test regularly and through new testing techniques are starting to track various soil health indicators that will give us our track record and show the implications that certain management practices have on our lands. We believe the only system is a carbon negative system. Through continual change and constant innovation we want to showcase the production practices that make such a system possible. Farming has a future and its bright!



Over 55,000 acres of land seeded to grass and used in a regenerative rotational pasture grazing method.


On average, in the first 6" of soil we have sequestered over 10 tons of carbon per acre. On the converted mono crop land, those results are over 20 tons per acre.


8 Acres sequesters approximately half a million tons of carbon per year. WE are not only net neutral, but proudly carbon negative. We believe this is the only way forward and a step towards re-writing the narrative around beef production.

Join the herd!

Get in touch and find out more about the future of regenerative farming. It is time to rewrite the narrative on beef and become part of the way forward!